Clinical Support & Services
We are dedicated to providing a comprehensive school program focused on social-emotional supports to ensure students can access their education
Support Services
Comprehensive Evaluations
We offer comprehensive evaluations to help with program planning. These may include cognitive, academic achievement, executive functioning, adaptive skills or neuropsychological evaluations
Functional Behavioral Assessment
Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is a problem-solving process designed to address a student's behavior when it impedes learning, either of the student or their peers. FBAs are conducted to help identify the student’s triggers and the “why” of the behavior.
Related services
We provide occupational and speech therapies and language services at our elementary school for students who need it. We can coordinate additional related services and such services at the high schools may be coordinated with the home school district.
Social Work
Social workers provide counseling services and coordination of care, including providing resources and support, performing formal and informal assessments to explore variables affecting students’ academic and functional school performance, and identifying students’ strengths and coping skills.
Our social workers consider the influence of social, cultural, familial and ecological elements that may affect a student at school, and make recommendations for reducing barriers to social and academic functioning
Daily Group Counseling
A core tenet of our clinical day treatment programs is daily group counseling. This is designed to foster student resilience and help them develop protective factors such as self awareness, social awareness, self regulation, responsible decision-making, empathy and social skills for building and maintaining healthy relationships
Using a variety of therapeutic modalities such as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Bibliotherapy, and Art & Play Therapy, our clinicians address conditions that impact a student’s ability to learn
Social, Emotional and Behavioral Support
We provide social-emotional learning and behavioral supports throughout the school day to increase student success. Our small class and school sizes allow students to build relationships with each other and the school staff, fostering a sense of community and safety.
We provide positive behavioral supports for all students, as well as intensified supports for those who need them, following state guidelines. We focus on teaching prosocial skills, executive functioning, and building relationships within the classroom. We are able to design individual student plans the consider a student’s strengths, dignity, uniqueness and capacity for growth.
Explanation of clinical expertise / BHN
Natchaug day programs are a part of the larger Hartford HealthCare Behavioral Health Network (BHN). Being part of the BHN offers our schools the unique opportunities to partner with mental health experts, provide coordinated care and access high-quality professional development.
Specialized Instruction
Academic classes are taught by special education teachers, who are experts at teaching both academic content and adaptive skills. The teachers can tailor their instruction to meet the unique learning needs of all students.